Satisfy your appetite with delicious salads, pies and desserts from Massibec, available at a store near you. In order to provide our customers with fresh handmade dishes, Massibec has partnered with a wide range of stores to provide a supply of fresh, high-quality products at affordable prices.
The numerous stores at which you can buy Massibec products include: Wal-Mart, Costco, IGA, Provigo, Maxi, and many more. A complete list of the stores at which you can buy Massibec products is available below. All products are regularly supplied to the listed stores, and Massibec ensures that customers get access only to the freshest of products.
Our Products are available at *

Quantities and product selection may vary in each store, depending on the availability and supply. We always try to maintain a continuous availability of all our products. All of the Massibec products are available at affordable prices, with full reliability from the manufacturer.
* The trademarks and logos displayed are trademarks of their respective owners. All rights reserved.
Quantities and/or selection of items may be limited and may not be available in all stores.